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Rhode Island N A U T I C A L L I N K S
Boat Builders, Supplies, Services

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Alden Yachts - Portsmouth
The Boat Guys - Warwick
Bravo Marine Associates - Riverside
Compass Marine Service - Newport
Capt Andrew Cook, Master Marine Surveyor - Bradford
Dyer Boats - Warren
EBCS Marine Survey & Compass Services - Tiverton
Edwards Marine - Block Island
Electric Bill Marine Electrical Services - Tiverton
Executive Marine Services - Marine Surveying - Wakefield
Freedom Yachts - Middletown
The FrontRower - Warren
Hall Spars & Rigging - Bristol
Holby Marine Company - Bristol
Jamestown Distributors - Bristol, Newport
J/Boats - Newport
Just Service - Warwick
Life Raft and Survival Equipment - Tiverton
Marine Consignment of Wickford - Wickford
New England Boatworks
- Portsmouth
Newport Nautical Supply - Newport
Newport Shipyard - Newport
Newport Yacht Directory of Marine Contractors - Newport
Ocean Options - Tiverton
RI Boatbuilders - list
RI Marine Survey - Newport
Scott's Boat Service - Warwick
Shannon Yachts - Bristol
TotalBoat - Bristol

Aces Wild Fishing Charters - Jerusalem
Adirondack II Sailing Cruises - Newport
Adventure Charters - Jerusalem
Adventuress Charters - Newport
Alibi Charters - Warwick
Amanda Mel Charters - Block Island
America's Cup Charters - Newport
Anderson's Ski & Dive - East Greenwich
Atlantis Yacht Charters - Newport
Bareboat Sailing Charters - Newport
Big Boy Sportfishing Charters - Galilee
Block Island Ferry - Point Judith
Block Island Fishworks - Block Island
Block Island Sport Fishing / Bent Rod Charters - Block Island
Boats of Rhode Island - Warwick
Bonita II Sportfishing Charters - Watch Hill
Bottom Line Sport Fishing - Snug Harbor
Cast a Fly Charters - E. Providence
C-Devil II Sportfishing - Snug Harbor
Classic 12 Meter Charters - Newport
Drifter Charters - East Matunuck
Double Trouble Charters - Newport
East Coast Charters, LLC - Warwick
Flaherty Charters - Newport
Frances Fleet - Narragansett
Gansett Cruises - Newport
Hula Charters - Block Island
J Class Management - Newport
Knotty Dog Charters - Snug Harbor
L'il Toot Charters - Pt. Judith
Mako II Charter Boat - Galilee
Martha's Vineyard Fast Ferry - Quonset Point, RI to Martha's Vineyard
Miller Time Sport Fishing Charters - Wakefield
Old Salt Sport Fishing Charters - Galilee
Ogofishing Charters - Wakefield
Prowler Sportfishing Charters - So. Kingstown
Red Dog Fly Fishing - Wickford
Reel Steal Fishing Charter - Watch Hill
Reel to Reel Sportfishing Charters - Galilee
RI Bay Cruises - Quonset Point
RI Fishing Charters - Wakefield
RI Fishing Charters & Guides - list
RI Party & Charter Boat Assoc
Sailboat Charters - Bristol
The Saltwater Edge - Newport
Sakonnet Sailing Charters - Little Compton, Newport
Sea Hawk Charters - Pt. Judith
Seven B's V Sportfishing - Pt. Judith
Snowfly Sportfishing Charters - Block Island
Rhode Island Charters - list
Sightsailing - Newport
Trumpy Yacht Charters - Newport
Wickford Boat Rentals - Wickford
RI Lighthouses

Many of these links are
from Bill Britten's Lighthouse
Getaway and Jeremy D'Entremont's New England Lighthouses
Beavertail Light - Jamestown
Block I. North Light - Block Island
Block I. SE Light - Block Island
Bristol Ferry Light - Bristol
Castle Hill Light - Newport
Conanicut Light - Jamestown
Dutch Island Light - Jamestown
Hog Island Shoal Light - Portsmouth
Lime Rock Light - Newport
Nayatt Point Light - Barrington
Newport Harbor Light - Newport
Pt. Judith Light - Pt. Judith
Plum Beach Light - No. Kingstown
Poplar Point Light - Wickford
Prudence I. Light - Prudence I.
Rose I. Light - Newport
Sakonnet Point Light - Little Compton
Warwick Light - Warwick
Watch Hill Light - Watch Hill
Wickford Harbor Light - Wickford Harbor
Marinas and Brokers

Yacht Clubs
Apponaug Harbor Marina - Warwick
Bannister's Wharf - Newport
Bartram & Brakenhoff - Newport
Billington Cove Marina - Wakefield
Bluenose Yacht Sales and Brokerage - Newport
Bowen's Wharf - Newport
Brewer Cove Haven Marina - Barrington
Greenwich Bay Marina - Warwick
Brewer Sakonnet Marina - Portsmouth
Brewer Wickford Cove Marina - Wickford
Brewer Yacht Yard at Cowesett - Warwick
Bristol Marine - Bristol
Cape Yachts - East Greenwich
Champlin's Marina - Block Island
Conanicut Marina - Jamestown
Don's Marine - Tiverton
Dutch Harbor Boat Yard - Jamestown
Goat Island Marina - Newport
Newport Harbor Hotel & Marina - Newport
Newport Marina - Newport
Newport Shipyard - Newport
Newport Yachting Center - Newport
Northrop & Johnson Brokers - Newport
Ocean House Marina - Charlestown
Pirate Cove Marina - Portsmouth
Point Jude Boats - Wakefield
Port Edgewood Marina - Cranston
RI Marinas.com - new and growing list of Rhode Island Marinas
Sailing Yachts - Rhode Island, Warren Trafton - Lafayette Village
Silver Spring Marine - Wakefield
Snug Harbor Marina - Wakefield
URI Foundation Boat Program - boat and equipment sales/donations benefiting URI - Kingston
Watch Hill Boat Yard - Watch Hill
Wickford Marina - Wickford

Yacht Clubs:
Apponaug Harbor Yacht Club - Warwick
Barrington Yacht Club - Barrington
Bristol Yacht Club - Bristol
Conanicut Yacht Club - Jamestown
East Greenwich Yacht Club - E. Greenwich
Edgewood Yacht Club - Cranston
Ida Lewis Yacht Club - Newport
Jamestown Yacht Club - Jamestown
Narragansett Terrace Yacht Club - Riverside
Newport Yacht Club - Newport
New York Yacht Club - Newport
Ocean State Catalina Association
Rhode Island Yacht Club - Cranston
Tiverton Yacht Club - Tiverton
Weekapaug Yacht Club - Westerly
West Bay Yacht Club - E. Greenwich
Westerly Yacht Club - E. Westerly
Wickford Yacht Club - Wickford

Beavertail Lighthouse Museum Assoc - Jamestown
Fort Adams - Newport
Herreshoff Marine Museum/America's Cup Hall of Fame - Bristol
The Museum of Yachting - Newport
Naval War College Museum - Newport
Newport Historical Society - Newport
Newport Mansions - Newport
Rose I. Lighthouse Foundation - Newport
South County Museum - Narragansett
Real or Virtual

Block Island Homepage - Block Island
Block Island Times - Block Island
Boating RI - RI area boating guide
Jamestown, RI info site - Jamestown
NarragansettRi.com - Narragansett info site
Newport Harbor Guide.com - Newport
Newport Online - Newport
Providence Journal - Providence

American Sail Training Association - Newport
Confident Captain/Ocean Pros Maritime Training - Newport, Wickford
Constellation Yacht Service - Bristol - Specializing in yacht delivery and instruction
In-Command Seamanship Training - Wickford
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve - Prudence I.
Narragansett Bay Yachting Association - Bristol
Narragansett Sailing School - Barrington
Newport Sailing School - Newport
RI Canoe/Kayak Assoc.
RI Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team - state interagency commission dedicated to improving how RI protects, restores, and manages its marine and fresh waters and watersheds
RI Marine Trade Assoc. - Middletown
RI Saltwater Anglers Assoc. - Coventry
RI Sea Grant - Narragansett
Save The Bay - Providence
Sailingahead.com - general and technical sailing information
Southeastern Connecticut Skin Divers - not for profit organization of SCUBA divers in the Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts areas
URI's Office of Marine Programs - Narragansett
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 1st Dist - ME, NH, MA, RI
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Division 7 - Narraganset Bay W.
USCGA North Star Flotilla 1NR-76 - Warwick
U.S. Coast Guard
- First District - ME to NJ
US Coast Guard Homeport
US Power Squadron - District 14 - Rhode Island and Southeast MA
Alexander Nesbitt Photography - Newport - Adventure Travel, Documentary, and Outdoor Lifestyle photography
The Boat Guys, Inc. - Warwick - shrinkwrap, wash & wax, cleaning, bottom prep and painting services
Captain Segull's Charts - Portsmouth - nautical sportfishing charts covering the US east coast, the Bahamas and Cuba
Diving Services Inc. - Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut Shorelines - Diving services, hull cleaning, propeller polishing, maintenance and inspection, zinc inspection
Heritage Charts - fine art Giclee reproductions of rare and historical maps, charts, and views of the east coast of North America
Narragansett Pier Dive Shop - Narragansett - Snorkeling, free-diving, and SCUBA adventures as well as kayak, jet ski and bicycle rentals
Ocean State Tackle - Bristol, Providence - fully equipped tackle shops that can outfit for any coastal or offshore angling
Onne van der Wal Photography - Newport - Sailing, nautical and RI photography - retail gallery at Bannister's Wharf
Parkhurst Nautical - Saunderstown - Diving Services, Training, Vessel Maintenance & Restoration, Yacht Management
How to catch Monster Shallow Water Stripers - book explains in detail how to fish shallow water areas successfully
Shoreline Diving Services - commercial diving services, hull inspections, prop changes, certified mooring inspections
Weather Defender - Desktop Weather Software, Always-on Threat Monitoring, Alerts to E-mail, PDA, Cell and more
Marine Link Libraries

Huge nautical link libraries:
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page
Links-John Kohnen
Library: Oceanography