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Maine N A U T I C A L L I N K S

Boat Builders, Supplies, Services

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Alden Ocean Shells - Elliot
Apache Boatworks - Camden
Artisan Boatworks - Rockport
Atlantic Boat Company - Brooklin
Back Cove Yachts - Rockland
Bamforth Marine - Brunswick
Billings Diesel and Marine - Stonington
Boothbay Harbor Shipyard - Boothbay Harbor
Boothbay Region Boatyard - W. Southport
Bowden Marine Service - Bar Harbor
Bridges Point Boat Yard - Brooklin
Brooklin Boat Yard - Brooklin
William Cannell Boatbuilding - Camden
Casco Bay Boatworks - Sebasco Estates
Casey Yacht Enterprises - Freeport
Coastal Barge & Mooring - Harpswell
Coastal Marine Canvas - Belfast
Control Engineering - Bangor
CYC/OWRI LLC Open-Water Rowing Boats - Phippsburg
ECHO Rowing - Eliot
Ellis Boat Company - Manset
Falls Point Marine - Freeport
Finestkind Boatyard - So Harpswell
Front Street Shipyard - Belfast
Gambell and Hunter Sailmakers - Camden
Gemini Marine Canvas - Rockland
General Marine - Biddeford
Gowen Marine - Portland
Great Water, Inc. - Brunswick
Hallett Canvas and Sails - Falmouth
Hamilton Marine - Searsport, Portland
Harbor Propeller Service - Harpswell
Hinckley Yachts - SW Harbor
Hodgdon Yachts - E Boothbay
Holden Agency Insurance - Portland
LineCatcher Industries - Wilton
Little Ships of The Maritimes (models) - Calais
Lyman–Morse Boatbuilding - Thomaston
MacNaughton Associates Design - Eastport
Maine Boatbuilders Show - Portland
Maine Built Boats - Edgecomb
Maine Cat - Waldoboro
Maine Coast Marine - Brooklin, Winterport
Maine Sailing Partners - Yarmouth
Malone Boatbuilding - Rockport
Mast Mate - Rockland
Mobile Marine Service - Orrington
Moose Island Design - Eastport
Morris Yachts - Bass Harbor
Muscongus Marine Services - Bremen
Newman and Gray Boatyard - Great Cranberry Island
North Brooklin Boats - Brooklin
Old Town Canoe - Old Town
Padebco - Round Pond
Paul E. Luke, Inc. - E. Boothbay
Pemaquid Marine - New Harbor
Pendleton Yacht Yard - Islesboro
Pepperrell Cove Marine Services - Kittery, Portsmouth
Petit Manan Boat - Steuben
Malcolm L. Pettegrow, Inc. - SW Harbor
Pope Sails & Rigging - Rockland
Portland Yacht Services, Inc. - Portland
Robinhood Marine Center - Georgetown
Rockport Marine - Rockport
Rumery's Boat Yard - Biddeford
Sabre Yachts - So. Casco
Saco Bay Tackle Company - Saco
Sawyer & Whitten Marine Electronics - Portland
Seal Cove Boatyard, Inc - Harborside
Shaw & Tenney Inc. - Orono
Sheepscot River Mooring & Marine Service - Westport Island
Ship Shape Yacht Services - Portland
Southport Island Marine - Southport
Southwest Boat - SW Harbor
Stuart Marine Corp. / Rhodes 19 - Rockland
SW Boatworks - Lamoine
T. M. Sullivan Model Yachts - Rockport
Traditional Boat, LLC - Unity
S. L. Wadsworth & Son Chandlery - Eastport
Water Walker Sea Kayaks - Belfast
Webhannet River Boat Yard - Wells
Wesmac - Surry
Wilbur Yachts - SW Harbor
John Williams Boat Company - Hall Quarry, Mount Desert
Winsor Consulting, Marine Electronics & Services - Thomaston
Yacht North Group - Yarmouth
Young Brothers & Co - Corea
Charters Whale Watch Fishing Schooners

Bar Harbor Whale
Watch Co - Bar Harbor
Bellatrix Sailing Charters - Kennebunkport
Big Fish Charters, LLC - Kittery Point
Coast Charters - Cutler
Buck's Harbor Marine
- S. Brooksville
Bunny Clark
- Ogunquit
Captain Doug Jowett Fly Fishing - Brunswick
Captain Satch & Sons Charters - Wells
Carpe Diem Kayaking Company - Bar Harbor
Cast-Away Fishing Charters - Kennebunkport
Charger Charters - Boothbay Harbor
Chase Charters - Falmouth
Coastal Kayaking Tours - Bar Harbor
Downeast Coastal Cruises - Milbridge
Downeast Duck Adventures - Portland
Downeast Friendship Sloop Charters - SW Harbor
Downeast Windjammer Cruises - Bar Harbor
Eastport Windjammers - Eastport
Eldredge Bros. Fly Shop - Cape Neddick
Finestkind Cruises - Ogunquit
First Chance Whale Watch - Kennebunkport
FishTale Charters - York Harbor
Friendship Sloop Amity - Belfast
Gillies & Fallon Guide Service - Phippsburg
Goddess Of The Sea Cruises - Tenants Harbor
Go Fish! Charters - So. Portland
Gone With the Wind Kayak Trips - Biddeford Pool
Guided Maine Island Boat Tours - Deer Isle
Handy Boat - Falmouth
Hardy Boat Cruises - New Harbor
Hay Val Charters - Southport
Yacht Charters - Southwest Harbor
Lively Lady Too Cruises - Camden
Lucky Catch Lobster Cruises - Portland
Lulu Lobster Boat Ride - Bar Harbor
Maine Fishing & Diving Charters - South Portland
Maine Kayak - Unity
Maine Sailing Adventures - Portland
Maine Sailing Charter - Brunswick
Maine State Sea Kayak - Southwest Harbor
Maine Windjammer
Association - Blue Hill
Angelique - Camden
Schooner Isaac H. Evans - Rockland
Schooner J & E Riggin - Rockland
Schooner Lewis R. French - Camden
Mary Day - Camden
Nathaniel Bowditch - Rockland
Schooner Timberwind - Rockport
The Victory Chimes - Rockland
Me. Windjammer Cruises - Camden
Midcoast Kayak - Damariscotta
Morning In Maine - Rockland
National Park Sea Kayak Tours - Bar Harbor
NAUTIC Video - Orr's Island
End Shipyard Schooners - Rockland
The American Eagle
The Heritage
Old Quarry Ocean Adventures - Stonington
Obsession Sportsfishing Charters - Bath
Penobscot Narrows Lobstering Tours - Bucksport
Portland Guide Service - Portland
Portland Schooner Co - Portland
Priorities Charters - Biddeford
Pritnear Heaven Charters - Saco
Reel 'Em In Fishing Charters - Kittery
Rip Tide Charters - York
Robertson's Sea Tours - Milbridge
Rock n' Reel Sportfishing Charters - S. Portland
Rocky Ridge Guide Service - S. Lovell
Sail Muscongus - Boothbay Harbor
Sail Sowelu - E.Boothbay
Seafari Charters - Kittery
Sea Kayaking - H2Outfitters - Orr's Island
Seaspray Kayaking - Brunswick
Sea Princess Cruises - Northeast Harbor
Sea Ventures Charters - Port Clyde
Sea Venture Custom Boat Tours - Bar Harbor
Sebago Sailing - Bridgton
Schooner Appledore II - Camden
Schooner Bagheera - Portland
Schooner Eleanor - Kennebunkport
Schooner Yacht Heron - Rockport
Schooner Lazy Jack - Camden
Schooner Olad - Camden
Schooner Rachel B. Jackson - Bar Harbor
Schooner Roseway - Camden
Schooner Surprise - Camden
Schooner Stephen Taber - Rockland
Schooner Wendameen - Portland
Shark Six Sportfishing Charters - Boothbay Harbor
Sloop Ophelia's Odyssey - Portland
Sportfishing with Captain Greg Metcalf - Kennebunkport
Stone Coast Anglers - Kennebunk
Sunrise Canoe and Kayak - Machias
Symbion Sail Charter - Cundy's Harbor
Tidewater Fishing Charters - Kennebunkport
Trina Lyn Fishing Charters - Saco
Trumpy Yacht Charters - Camden
Twilight Charters Sailing - Georgetown
Ugly Anne Charters - Ogunquit
Wanderbird Cruises - Rockport
White Birch Guide Service - Stripers-R-US - Saco
Windrose Productions - Buck's Harbor
World Within Sea Kayaking - Wells
Yacht North Group - Yarmouth

Atlantic Challenge - Rockland
BHYC Sailing School - Boothbay Harbor
The Carpenter's Boat Shop - Pemaquid
The Chewonki Foundation - Wiscasset
College of the Atlantic - Bar Harbor
Darling Marine Center - UME
Downeast Maritime Training Center - Freedom
Handy Boat - Falmouth
Landing Boat School - Arundel
MacNaughton Group Yacht Design School - Eastport
Maine Aquarium
On-Line - Saco
Maritime Academy - Castine
Maritime Maine Heritage Trail
Mt. Desert Island Yacht Pilotage & Training - Otter Creek
Ocean Adventure! - Bristol
SailMaine - Portland,
School of Ocean Sailing - Portland
SeaSources.net - CG license exam training
Women Under Sail and Freeport Sailing Adventures - Freeport
School - Brooklin
Yacht North Group - Yarmouth

Bay Ferrys - Bar Harbor
Bay Lines - Portland
Island - Casco Bay
Transportation Co
Cliff Island
- Casco Bay
Cousins & Littlejohn Islands
- Casco Bay
Cranberry Isles - off Mt Desert
- Ragged Island
Cushing's Island - Casco Bay
Great Diamond Is. - Casco Bay
Isle au Haut Company - Stonington
Islesboro Island News - Penobscot Bay
Island Institute - Rockland
Island Water Taxi - Portland
Islesford.com - off Mt Desert
Long Island - Casco Bay
State Ferry Service
Maine Island Trail Association- Rockland
Matinicus- outer Penobscot Bay
Monhegan Boat Line- Port Clyde
Monhegan Commons- Monhegan Island
Monhegan I. Ferry- New Harbor
Monhegan Visitor's Guide- Monhegan Island
North Haven I. School- Penobscot Bay
Peaks Island- Casco Bay
Penobscot Island Air- Owls Head - based at Knox County Airport offering daily on demand air taxi service for both passengers and cargo
Portland Express Water Taxi - Casco Bay
Swans Island - off Mt Desert
Vinalhaven Chamber of Commerce
- Penobscot Bay
Maine Lighthouses

Many of these links are
from Bill Britten's Lighthouse
Getaway and Jeremy D'Entremont's New England Lighthouses
Island Light - Islesford
Harbor Light - Mt. Desert Island
Bear Island Light - Northeast Harbor
Island Light - Boon Island
Region Lights - Boothbay
Browns Head Light - Vinalhaven I.
Elizabeth Light- Cape Elizabeth
Neddick (Nubble) Light- Cape Neddick
Island Light - Camden
Dan's Lighthouse Page - general info, some Maine photos
Deer Island Thorofare Light - Mark I.
(Friends of) Doubling Point Light - Kennebec River
Point Lighthouse - Stockton Springs
Island Light - Cape Porpoise
au Haut Lighthouse - Isle au Haut
River Lights - Kennebec River
Point Light - Port Clyde
Head Light - Owl's Head
Point Light - Pemaquid
Petit Manan Light - near Corea
Breakwater Light - So. Portland
Head Light - Cape Elizabeth
Island Ledge Light - Casco Bay
The Range Light Keepers - Arrowsic
Breakwater Light - Rockland
(Friends of) Seguin Island Lightstation - Seguin I., Bath (office)
Island Lighthouse - Seguin Island
Point Ledge Light - So. Portland
Quoddy Head Light- Lubec
West Quoddy Head Light Keeper Assoc- Lubec
Lodging & Dining Ashore
Sometimes you just have to have a hot shower and a soft dry bed

Acadia Hotel - Bar Harbor
Ann's Point Inn - Bass Harbor
Arundel Wharf Restaurant - Kennebunkport
Atlantic Birches Inn - Old Orchard Beach
Bayside Cottage Rentals - Bayside
Benjamin F. Packard House - Bath
Blue Harbor House - Camden
Blue Hill Inn - Blue Hill
Brooklin Inn - Brooklin
Brown's Wharf Motel & Restaurant - Boothbay Harbor
Camden Harbour Inn - Camden
Captain Lord Mansion - Kennebunkport
Captain Swift Inn - Camden
Chebeague Island Inn - Chebeague I.
Chetwynd House Inn - Kennebunkport
The Cliff House - York
Cook's Lobster House - Bailey Island
Coveside Marina & Restaurant - Christmas Cove
Dockside - York Harbor
East Wind Inn - Tenants Harbor
Fisherman's Wharf Inn - Boothbay Harbor
Gaugus River Inn - Milbridge
Grand View Inn Hotel & Cottages - York Beach
Hartstone Inn - Camden
Hawthorn Inn - Camden
Highbrook Motel - Bar Harbor
Hitchcock House - Monhegan
The Inn at Bath - Bath
Inn at Sunrise Point - Lincolnville
Inn By The Sea - Cape Elizabeth
Inn on the Harbor - Stonington
The Island Inn - Monhegan
The Kilby House Inn - Eastport
Ledges By The Bay - Glen Cove
A Little Dream B & B - Camden
Maine Beach House Rental - Ferry Beach, Saco
Milliken House B & B - Eastport
Morning Glory Seaside Inn - Jonesport
Nebo Lodge - North Haven
Nonantum Resort - Kennebunkport
Ocean Point Inn - E. Boothbay
Ocean Walk Hotel - Old Orchard Beach
OgunquitRentals.com - Ogunquit
Peacock House - Lubec
Pentagoet Inn - Castine
Samoset Resort - Rockland
Seaside Rentals - Sunset
Shining Sails B & B - Monhegan
Snow Squall B & B - Wiscasset
The Spouter Inn Bed and Breakfast - Lincolnville Beach
Stage Neck Inn - York Harbor
Tamarack Realty - Saco
The Tides at Tenants Harbor - Vacation Rental Home - Tenants Harbor
Tidewater Motel - Vinalhaven
Todd House B & B - Eastport
Tugboat Inn - Boothbay Harbor
Victorian by the Sea - Camden
Waldo Emerson Inn - Kennebunk
Warren's Lobster House - Kittery
Windward House B & B - Camden
Marinas and Brokers

Yacht Clubs
Harbor- masters
Bamforth Marine - Brunswick
Bluenose Yacht Sales and Brokerage - Portland
Boothbay Region Boatyard - W. Southport
Brewer South Freeport - S. Freeport
Brown's Wharf Marina - Boothbay Harbor
Buck's Harbor Marine - S. Brooksville
Cannell, Payne & Page - Camden
Cap'n Fish's Motel and Marina - Boothbay Harbor
Chick's Marina - Kennebunkport
Coveside Marina & Restaurant - Christmas Cove
Diamond Cove Marina- Great Diamond Is.
DiMillo's Old Port Marina- Portland
Dysart's Great Harbor Marina - SW Harbor
East Coast Yacht Sales - Yarmouth
Gilford Boat Sales - Kittery
Gray & Gray, Inc. - York
Great Island Boat Yard - Harpswell
Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales - Yarmouth
Handy Boat - Falmouth
Jeff's Marine - Thomaston
Kennebunkport Marina - Kennebunkport
Lake & Sea Boatworks - Bar Harbor
MacNaughton Group Brokerage - Eastport
Maine Yacht Center - Portland
Maine Yacht Sales - So. Portland
Marstons Marina - Saco
Morris Yachts - Bass Harbor
Newman and Gray Boatyard - Great Cranberry Island
New Meadows Marina - Brunswick
Ocean Pursuits - Rockland
Ocean Point Marina - E. Boothbay
Old Quarry Ocean Adventures - Stonington
Paul's Marina - Brunswick
Pendleton Yacht Yard - Islesboro
Penobscot Bay Yacht Exchange - Orland
Robinhood Marine Center - Georgetown
Rocknak's Yacht Sales - Rockport
Rockport Marine - Rockport
Russell's Marine - Dexter
South Port
Marine - So. Portland
Southwest Boat - SW Harbor
Strouts Point Wharf Company - So. Freeport
Sunset Marina - So. Portland
Thomas Yacht Brokerage - Yarmouth
Tugboat Inn - Boothbay Harbor
Watermark Yacht Sales - W. Southport
Wayfarer Marine - Camden
Winterport Marine & Boatyard - Winterport
The Yacht Connection - South Portland
Yankee Marina & Boatyard - Yarmouth
Yarmouth Boat Yard - Yarmouth
York Harbor Marine Service - York Harbor

Yacht Clubs:
Agamenticus Yacht Club - York Harbor
Arundel Yacht Club - Kennebunkport
Biddeford Pool Yacht Club - Biddeford Pool
Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club - W. Boothbay Harbor
Castine Yacht Club - W. Castine
Centerboard Yacht Club - S. Portland
Harraseeket Yacht Club - S. Freeport
Northeast Harbor Fleet - S. Northeast Harbor
Yacht Club - Bayside
Orr's-Bailey Yacht Club - Harpswell
Portland Yacht Club - Falmouth
Rockland Yacht Club - Rockland
Wiscasset Yacht Club - Wiscasset

Bar Harbor Harbor Department
Eastport Port Authority
Falmouth Harbor Division
Freeport Harbormaster
Kittery Harbormaster
Portland Harbormaster
State of Maine Harbormaster’s Assoc

Bar Harbor Whale Museum - Bar Harbor
Farnsworth Art Museum - Rockland
Maine Maritime
Museum - Bath
Old York Historical Society - York
Marine Museum - Searsport
Portland Harbor Museum - South Portland
Raye's Mustard Mill - Eastport
Shore Village
Museum - Rockland
Tides Institute - Eastport
Real or Virtual

Commercial Fisheries News - Stonington
Guide to the Maine Coast - Book and on-line updates
Fish-Maine.com - online guide
The Harpswell Anchor - Harpswell
Digest - Wells
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors - Camden
National Fisherman - Portland
Nautics - Fun online blog of marine-related news and information.
NOAH Publications - The Calendar of Wooden Boats and Benjamin Mendlowitz Marine Photography - Brooklin
North Wind Publishing - Traditional publisher of non-fiction Nautical, Outdoors & Christian titles - Belfast
No Umbrella - Paddling and Outdoor Adventure Magazine - The Forks
Points East - Gulf of Maine Cruising Magazine - Portland
BoatBuilder - Brooklin
VisitMilbridge.com - Arts, cultural and social events and information about Milbridge and surrounding communities.
Publications - Brooklin

Acadia Magic - Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor region information site including many great photos
Bigelow Laboratory
- W. Boothbay
Cobscook Bay Resource Center
- Eastport
Darling Marine Center - Univ. of ME
Eastport Port Authority - Eastport
EllsworthMe.Com - Ellsworth
Friendship Sloop Society
Friends of Casco Bay
Geocaching In Maine - Bulletin board, news & resources for Maine geocachers
Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
Kennebunkport Conservation Trust - Kennebunkport
Lobster Conservancy - Friendship
The Maine Association of Sea Kayak Guides and Instructors
Maine Audubon Society - Falmouth
Maine Dept. of Marine Resources
Maine Island Trail Assoc - Rockland
Maine Maritime Heritage Trail
Maine Port Authority - info for both pleasure boaters and commercial interests
Maine Vacation .com - Maine travel guide
Marine Media - Thomaston - photography, editorial/advertising copy, and graphic design for the marine industry
New England Seabirds - Natural history of seabirds and where to find them, news, scheduled trips, tips for pelagic birders
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance - Saco
Penobscot Bay Watch
Saco Bay Trails - Saco
Sailingahead.com - general and technical sailing information
Estuary Research Reserve - Wells
Auxiliary - 1st District - ME to RI
USCGA Casco Bay Flotilla 21
USCGA Saco Bay Flotilla 24
USCGA - Portsmouth Harbor Flotilla 02-08
- First District - ME to NJ
US Coast Guard Homeport
US Power Squadrons Home
Mid-Coast Sail & Power Squadron
Penobscot Bay Sail & Power Squadron
Wawenock Sail & Power Squadron
Portsmouth Sail and Power Squadron

William Atwood Lobster Co - Spruce Head
Lobster Pound - Scarborough
Cape Porpoise
Lobster Co - Cape Porpoise
Eastport Lobster & Fish Co. - Eastport
Graffam Bros. Lobster - Rockport
Lobster Help - Lobster recipes, tips on buying and cooking live lobster and lobster tails
Lobster Direct - Portland
Maine Lobster Now - S. Portland
Maine Lobster Promotion Council - Bangor
Pine Point Lobster Co-op - Scarborough
Port Lobster Company - Kennebunkport
Saco Bay Tackle - Saco

Acadia Magic - Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor region information site including many great photos
A.G.A. Correa & Son - Edgecomb - nautical jewelry in 14k and 18k gold
Independent Power - Greene - solar power systems, automatic standby generator systems, outdoor wood furnaces
American Nautical Services- Online nautical chart and marine reference source
Bayside Documentation Services - Trenton
Blue Harbor Scuba - Camden - Beginner through divemaster PADI courses, commercial work, hull cleaning, inspections, search and recovery
By the Sea Jewelry - Sebastian, FL - Distinctive Sea Glass Jewelry. The Internets oldest site for genuine sea glass jewelry and gifts.
BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Searsport - oldest ship modeling company in the U.S
Captains For Hire - Westbrook - yacht deliveries, assisted passages
The Capn, Nautical Technologies - Bangor
China Sea Marine Trading Co. - Portland - unique maritime items, antiques and reproductions
Dan Daly, Artist - Illustrator - Camden - New England landscape, architecture, people and wildlife
FloatWorks, Inc. - Westport Island - Marine Construction, Diving, Mooring Services, General Contracting
Inner Space Dredging Services - Gorham
Holden Agency Insurance - Portland - Insurance for all your Personal and Commercial needs including Boat Insurance
Jonesport Nautical Antiques - Jonesport - internet sales - quality Nautical Gifts
Kennebunkport Community Website - Kennebunkport
MacNaughton Group Marine Publishing - Eastport
Maine Bytes Computer Repair/Web Design - Winterport, Bucksport
Marine Ecological Habitats - Biddeford - Designs and builds self-contained marine environmental systems including aquariums and commercial lobster tanks
Mid-Coast Shrink-wrap - Bath - Shrink-wrapping boats, pallets, anything else at your home or business in the mid-coast area
Linda M. Norton Studio - Camden - marine originals, prints & posters
Offshore Risk Management - Orrington - Providing marine insurance with several companies worldwide and also writing insurance for private pleasure boats and marinas in Maine
Owl and Turtle Bookshop - Camden
Pemaquid Communications- Portland - Web site design, development and
Phippsburg Weather Page - real time weather for the lower Kennebec River area
Progressive's Boat Insurance - boat & personal watercraft insurance
RedTrout.com - Internet Service Provider with local 56k dial-up access numbers throughout the USA and Canada - great for the cruising sailor
John Rinaldi Nautical Antiques - Kennebunkport - Buying, collecting and selling a wide range of Maritime antiques
21st Century Sailing Simulator - software
Smithwick & Clarke Insurance - Portland - Personal & Commercial Marine Insurance
Michele Stapleton Photography - Maine location photographer specializing in travel, people & documentary photography - Brunswick
Sub Sea Research - dedicated to The Exploration, Discovery and Scientific recovery of Maritime History worldwide - Portland
Superior Docks - Ellsworth
Michael Cunliffe Thompson, Artist - Seascapes and Landscapes - Oil Paintings of Maine and New England
Wavelength Studios - Marine & Sailing photography - Brunswick
Windrose Productions - small marine press, cruising consultants, charters - Bucks Harbor

Bay of Fundy.com - regional info site
BoatnDock - Rolling, floating & sectional dock, lifts, edging, dinghy, mooring whips, bumpers, ladders, inflatables, bimini & boat covers. - Markham, Ontario
Destination Southwest Nova Scotia - resource for travel information in the southwest region of Nova Scotia
ICAN electronic charting systems - St. John's, Newfoundland
Pat's Boating in Canada - great resource
Southland Pontoon Boats - Québec - pontoon boat manufacturer with dealers in New Hampshire and Maine
Huge nautical link libraries:
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page
Links-John Kohnen
Library: Oceanography
Eventually, we want to have a complete list of
all marine-related sites in Maine. If you have or know of a site that should
be included please send the URL to: webmaster@maineharbors.com